Official Boone Park Supply List
4th Grade
* Clear or Mesh Backpack
* 2 glue sticks or bottles
* scissors
* 1 box Crayola crayons (24 ct)
* 1 pkg. colored markers/pencils
* 6 plastic folders with brads & pockets
* 10 pens black / blue & 5 red
* 3 pkg. of pencils ~ no mechanical pencils
* 2 large eraser
* 5 composition notebooks
* 1 fabric pencil pouch w/zipper w 3-holes
* 1 Plastic pencil pouch with zipper (3 hole type)
* 6 spiral notebooks(wide rule)
* 4 pkg. of loose leaf paper ( wide rule)
* 6 pkg. of loose leaf paper (wide rule)
* 4 boxes of Kleenex (optional)
* 2 bottles of hand sanitizer (optional)
5th Grade
* Clear or Mesh Backpack
* 4 glue sticks
* 1 pair of scissors
* 1 box of 24ct Crayola crayons
* 4 pkg. of loose leaf paper
* 4 folders w/pockets (any color)
* 4 dry erase markers
* 1 large eraser & eraser caps
* 3 folders w/brads and pockets
* 1 highlighters
* 2 black/white composition notebooks
* 1 black sharpie
* 1 pkg. of black pens/ 1 pkg. of blue pens
* 2 pkg. of #2 pencils
* 2 spiral 1 subject notebooks
* 1 ½” binder w/pockets
* 2 boxes of Kleenex (optional) 2 bottles of hand sanitizer (optional)